
California Poppy

Wild Oats

Lemon Balm
Scientific name: Leonurus cardiaca
Family: Lamiaceae
- Cooling and drying
- Nervine
- Antispasmodic
- Anodyne (painkiller)
- Bitter
- Diuretic
- Anxiolytic (reduces anxiety)
- Emmenagogue
Helps with:
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Menstrual cramps
- Hormonal agitation
- Insomnia
Motherwort is better as a tincture than a tea because of her bitter taste.
California Poppy
California Poppy
Scientific name: Eschscholzia californica
Family: Papaveraceae
- Antidepressant
- Sedative
- Nervine
- Anxiolytic (reduces anxiety)
- Painkiller
Helps with:
- Stress
- Depression
- Shakiness
- Insomnia
- Teething/toothaches
- Coughing
- Cramps
- Colicky infants
- Headaches
- Painful muscles
Harvest roots, flowers, and leaves during full bloom. Consume young leaves in salad.
Combine with Milky Oats and Motherwort for acute anxiety attacks.
Wild Oats
Wild Oats - Oat Straw / Milky Oats
Scientific name: Avena Barbata
Family: Poaceae
- Moistening and slightly warming (seed)
- Neutral (Milky Oats and Oatstraw)
Helps with:
- Stabilizing mood swings
- Anxiety
- Cholesterol
- Stress
- Exhaustion
- Depression
- Transition from addictive behaviors
Seed - Oat flour and oatmeal
Unripe seed - Milky Oats
Stem/leaves - Oatstraw
Oxymel "Acid and Honey" Recipe:
Oxymels give support to the immune system and the digestive system along with other medicinal constitutions of whatever herbs are added.
In a sterile glass jar add apple cider vinegar and equal proportions (volume) of oat straw.
Shake daily for 4 weeks.
Use a double boiler over low, heating just until warm for 6 hours a combo of raw local honey with a 2:1 ratio of dried Rose.
Strain and combine equal parts of the 2 creations.
Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm
Scientific name: Melissa officinalis
- Cooling and slightly drying
Helps with:
- Calming nerves
- Anxiousness
- Depression
- Digestion
- Seasonal disorder
- Mild sedative
- Colic
- Herpes
- Insomnia
- Cognitive health
- Heart palpitations
- Antiviral
- Spasmodic cough
- Inflammation
Combine with St. John's Wort, Chamomile, Linden, Rose, and Tulsi
NOTE: Always ask your healthcare provider before incorporating herbs into your diet. Children under 1 should not use Oxymel due to the honey. Do not use Motherwort during pregnancy until labor is starting since she strengthens uterine contractions.