Effective communication is the cornerstone of building strong relationships, whether with colleagues, clients, or loved ones. Second Stitch has developed a comprehensive, multi-faceted course dedicated to enhancing communication skills. Our program provides valuable insights, tools, and techniques that empower individuals to communicate more clearly, actively listen, and express themselves with confidence. These skills not only benefit personal relationships but also play a pivotal role in professional success. By investing in the development of strong communicators, Second Stitch fosters a brighter, more collaborative future for employees, and creating an environment where connections thrive and opportunities abound.


Improve your Communication Skills

Improve your professional communication for successful business interactions. Each lesson focuses on a particular area of communication: writing emails, speaking at meetings and interviews, giving presentations, and networking online. Whether you want to communicate to potential employers, employees, partners or clients, better communication can help you achieve your professional goals.

Deliverable: Complete this course


Active Listening

Please read this article about Active Listening.

Deliverable: Complete the following reflection questions:

  1. What are the key components of active listening?
  2. How often do I interrupt or finish sentences for others during a conversation?
  3. Do I find myself formulating responses while the other person is speaking?
  4. What non-verbal cues do I give to show that I am actively listening?
  5. Do I ask clarifying questions to understand what the other person is saying?
  6. Do I offer verbal affirmations or encouragement to the speaker?
  7. How does active listening benefit my relationships and communication with others?



Please read this article about communicating with empathy.

Deliverable: Complete the following reflection questions:

  1. What does empathy mean to me and why is it important in communication?
  2. How well do I put myself in someone else’s shoes when they share their thoughts and feelings?
  3. How comfortable am I with expressing vulnerability and emotions in my own communication?
  4. Have there been instances where I could have shown more empathy and didn’t?
  5. What hindered me?
  6. How do I handle conflicts or disagreements while maintaining and empathetic approach?


Non-Verbal Communication

Please read this article about Non-Verbal Communication

Deliverable: Complete the following reflection questions:

  1. What non-verbal cues do I use frequently during conversations, and how do they contribute to my communication style?
  2. How do I use facial expressions to convey my emotions, and do they align with my intended message?
  3. Do I maintain eye contact appropriately or do I tend to avoid or overuse it during conversation?
  4. Am I aware of my posture during interactions, and how does it reflect my confidence, attentiveness and attitude?
  5. How do I use hand gestures and hand movements to emphasize points or clarify information?
  6. What does my tone of voice convey about my emotions and intentions, how can I adjust it to improve clarity and communication?


Conflict Resolution

Please read this article about Conflict Resolution

Deliverable: Complete the following reflection questions:

  1. How do I manage conflicts in a personal setting?
  2. What about a professional setting? How do they differ?
  3. What emotions or challenges arise for me when dealing with personal conflicts, and how do they impact my ability to find solutions?
  4. Am I comfortable with addressing conflicts openly and honestly, or do I tend to avoid them?
  5. What drives this behavior?
  6. What challenges or obstacles do I encounter when addressing workplace conflicts, and how can I overcome them more effectively?
  7. Have there been instances where I successfully resolved a conflict, and what methods or techniques were particularly effective?


Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety

Please read this article about public speaking anxiety.

Deliverable: Complete the following reflection questions:

  1. Has reading the article changed any of your perceptions about public speaking?
  2. Have you ever experienced the “spotlight effect” described in the article?
  3. Can you recall a specific situation where you felt like everyone was focusing on you?
  4. What techniques or strategies discussed in the article do you find most compelling for shifting your focus away from yourself during a presentation?
  5. What self-talk or mindset shifts can you implement to reduce self-centered thinking and enhance your ability to engage and inform your audience effectively?


Structuring Your Speech or Presentation

Please read this article about crafting a speech.

The components of creating a speech or presentation are:

  1. Choosing your topic: Select a topic you are passionate about or knowledgeable in
  2. Researching and gathering information: Gather relevant data and supporting evidence
  3. Defining your purpose: Clarify the main purpose of your speech [to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire]. Craft a clear and concise central message [thesis statement]
  4. Organizing your content: Create an outline with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Arrange key points logically and use transitions for a smooth flow
  5. Engaging your audience: Start with a compelling opening to grab your audience’s attention. Use stories, anecdotes, or questions to connect with your audience
  6. Practicing your delivery: Rehearse your speech multiple times to become comfortable with the material. Pay attention to tone, pacing and articulation during practice
  7. Timing yourself: Ensure your speech fits within the allotted time. Practice pacing yourself accordingly
  8. Seeking feedback: Get input from peers, mentors and fellow FutureStitch employees to refine your speech. Be open to constructive feedback and make changes accordingly
  9. Editing and refining: Review and edit your speech for clarity, conciseness, and language. Eliminate anything unnecessary.

Here are some additional resources to use at your discretion:

How to Pick a Captivating Speech Topic

How to Use Visual Aids

The 8 Key Steps to Successful Speech Writing


Deliverable: Take some time to create a presentation about any topic of your choosing

  • Presentation should be around 5-7 minutes long
  • If you are able- please create slides to accompany the speech
  • Present your speech to your Second Stitch peer group