close up of chickweed plants
chickweed plants on display
chickweed plants laid out on display

Scientific Name: Stellaria media
Family: Caryophyllaceae

  • Vulnerary (heals wounds)
  • Diuretic (increase urine)
  • Nutritive
  • Demulcent (coats to relieve irritation from coughing
  • Lymphatic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Expectorant (clears mucus)

Medicinal Food:
When harvesting Chickweed for food, only take the tippy top. When harvesting for medicine, cut lower towards her base.

Medicinal benefits:

  • Iron Deficiency
  • Respiratory viruses
  • Dry lips/skin
  • Sore throats
  • Eczema
  • Laxative
  • Hacking dry cough
  • Rashes
  • Chicken pox
  • Psoriasis
  • Blood Cleanser
  • Acne
  • Kidney Support
  • Minor burns
  • Heartburn
  • Detoxify
  • Pink eye
  • Bug bites

Dangerous Lookalike: Scarlet Pimpernel

scarlet pimpernel on display
scarlet pimpernel close up

Chickweed, Calendula, Cleaver Salve

1/4C + 1T Herbal Infused Oil of choice
2T + 1t Beeswax
4T Shea Butter
1/2t Vitamin E
20 - 30 Drops of Essential Oil

*Infuse herbs in oil for 4-6 weeks

*Shake daily

*Strain with cheese cloth

*Over a double boiler, melt beeswax & add herbal infused oil

*Remove from heat

*Add in Vitamin E & drops of essential oil

*Pour into 5 1oz containers

chickweed, calendula, cleaver salve